Use this step by step guide to learn how to make a business plan to get your small business started The main purpose of a business plan is to aid YOU in running YOUR business. So the workbook has been designed for you to write the information in and refer back to as needed. If you need to supply your Business Plan to another party, such as a bank if you’re looking for finance, then it’s simple to type up the various sections for a professional Molly Elodie Rose This is part of an institution’s one-year business plan for the establishment of a new branch by the beginning of the next calendar year, something it decided to do in January of the current year. The plan groups strategic objectives according to subject. Objective: To open a new branch by the beginning of the next calendar blogger.comg: bank Business Plan For A Bank Branch Manager: Rose, Molly Elodie: Books
This Result Slip must be attached to the assignment or assessment event being forwarded. Ensure that you complete all the fields of this result slip. Version Please complete the following information: Subject No: BSBRESA LA No: Name OTEN no. Student Signature: 51 Wentworth Road Strathfield NSW Subject Name: Analyse and present research informatio LA LA Name: BSBRESA — Assignment 2 Stick your student barcode label here, or print your name and OTEN number below.
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Assignment 2 What you have to do Referring to the Case study in Assignment 1, your PA has now completed the research and is to present the final report to you, in draft, prior to your submitting it to your general manager.
If you are not clear on any aspect of this task you will need to review your unit notes. To gain maximum marks you will need to have read the additional readings as set out in the Overview of this unit, business plan for a branch of a bank. Task Part A words Using all the information you have collated in Assignment 1 prepare a draft report setting out research findings which will justify the establishment of a new branch. Again, remember to be concise, but you must include enough detail to ensure that your general manager is clear that the establishment of the branch is warranted.
Your report should be presented in a business like professional manner and be broken down by way of headings such as the following:. Front cover Title page Forward or covering letter to include an overall recommendation Contents Summary Body of the report: introduction, discussion, conclusion Appendices Bibliography P — LA Assignment 2 — BSBRESA Ed 1 3 © State of New South Wales, Department of Education and TrainingVersion 1, January Part B words The general manger has asked you to submit the final report to him by next Friday.
He has then asked you to come to his office the following Tuesday to undertake a formal presentation of a summary of the important points to be found in the written report, business plan for a branch of a bank.
You are fully aware that an effective presentation is more than the reading of key parts of a report. As such, you have asked your PA to prepare a list of business plan for a branch of a bank points and to identify the visual aids which should be used in your presentation.
Prepare a list of talking points which you feel will highlight the important points in your written report and include a list of visual aids you feel will assist in selling the recommendations of the written business plan for a branch of a bank. This Proposal has been developed with facts and figures collected through authentic research for data collection to justify and suggest that a new bank branch should be proposed and opened in Bayview Heights, Queensland, a suburban area in Australia.
The growing population over the past five years and the development of housing board has attracted many people and commercial prospects and that is why it would business plan for a branch of a bank profitable for the Bank to open a new branch to tap the potential customers. Being the Area Manager of the bank the future potential for new bank branch in Bayview Heights is quite evident, which will be definitely a profitable short-term venture for the bank. Population Growth Over Past Five years in Bayview Heights suburb and projected growth in the coming five years is depicted below in the chart.
Bayview Heights which is bounded by another suburb of Earlville and Clarkes Creek and has varied demographic details which are listed below in the appendix figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3. The predominant age group which has been found in Bayview Heights is years. After a span of 5 years too the age group predominant will remainhowever the number of people under age of 15 will increase by 12 1.
Thus the age group showing the maximum increase in the coming years is years old in the population Population and Household Forecasts: Cairns Regional COuncil, Most of the people in Bayview Heights work in non-specific occupations Area Profile of bayview Heights, This data analysis for short term period is most accurate and useful for forecast information for immediate bank branch business plan for a branch of a bank Australian Bureau of Statistics: Census of Popultaion and Housing, In the Census done in it was found that the most common responses for occupation of employed people in Bayview Heights was the Clerical and Administrative Workers which was And the most common industry for employment was found to be school education with 6.
The Private and potential customers have current banking associations with the main branches which are located in Earlville for ANZ Bank. Housing loans for the houses purchased have been taken. The Potential customers are all the total population Bayview Heights which is expected to grow also.
Mainly all the commercial transactions and the working people like the clerical and administrative workers, technicians and trade workers, professionals and sales workers which form the major chunk of population will need bank accounts for their salaries.
Thus they are the most potential customers for our bank. Instead of going in for rental property it would be better to buy a nice building in the most commercial place or the place which has very much centralised. Because the rent is very high in Bayview Heights. The growing population trend and the housing development will result in the growth in the potential customers in near future. The secondary data and the Primary data clearly indicates that the new bank branch has very high growth potential in the suburb area of Bayview HeightsQueensland, where even the major bank of Australia ANZ does not even have a branch.
Figure 1: Age to sex ratio in Bayview Heights Unsupported source type Report for source Fre Figure 2: Depicts the Income in Bayview Heights Unsupported source type Report for source Fre Figure 3: Population Demographics in Bayview Heights Unsupported source type Report for source Fre Table 3: Age as Percentage of suburb population Census of Population and Housing: Basic Community POrfile, Figure 4: Occupancy of houses in Bayview Heights Unsupported source type Report for source Fre Figure 5: Market Statistics over the 10 years in Bayview Heights Unsupported source type Report for source Fre pdf [11 April ], business plan for a branch of a bank.
id 31 March But you can order it from our service and receive complete high-quality custom paper. Our service offers Business plan essay sample that was written by professional writer. If you like one, you have an opportunity to buy a similar paper. May 27, June 10, business plan for a branch of a bank, Skip to content QUESTION This Result Slip must be attached to the assignment or assessment event being forwarded. Student Signature: 51 Wentworth Road Strathfield NSW Subject Name: Analyse and present research informatio LA LA Name: BSBRESA — Assignment 2 Stick your student barcode label here, business plan for a branch of a bank print your name and OTEN number below.
Your report should be presented in a business like professional manner and be broken down by way of headings such as the following: Front cover Title page Forward or covering letter to include an overall recommendation Contents Summary Body of the report: introduction, discussion, conclusion Appendices Bibliography P — LA Assignment 2 — BSBRESA Ed 1 3 © State of New South Wales, Department of Education and TrainingVersion 1, January Part B words The business plan for a branch of a bank manger has asked you to submit the final report to him by next Friday.
The growing population over the past five years and the development of housing board has attracted many people and commercial prospects and that is why it would be profitable for the Bank to open a new branch to tap the potential customers Introduction Being the Area Manager of the bank the future potential for new bank branch in Bayview Heights is quite evident, which will be definitely a profitable short-term venture for the bank.
Secondary Data Collected Population Growth Over Past Five years in Bayview Heights suburb and projected growth in the coming five years is depicted below in the chart. Area Name Forecast year Change between and Number Avg. BAYVIEW HEIGHTS Forecast years Population 4, 4, 4, Change in population 64 35 Average Annual Change 0. Current banking Associations for Private and potential customers The Private and potential customers have current banking associations with the main branches which are located in Earlville for ANZ Bank.
Estimated number of potential customers The Potential customers are all the total population Bayview Heights which is expected to grow also, business plan for a branch of a bank. Availability of Suitable Premises for Bank Instead of going in for rental property it would be better to buy a nice building in the most commercial place or the place which has very much centralised. Discussion The growing population trend and the housing development will result in the growth in the potential customers in near future.
Conclusion The secondary data and the Primary data clearly indicates that the new bank branch has very high growth potential in the suburb area of Bayview HeightsQueensland, where even the major bank of Australia ANZ does not even have a branch. Appendices Figure 1: Age to sex ratio in Bayview Heights Unsupported source type Report for source Fre ABS Australian Bureau of StatisticsAustralia: Regional POpulation Grwoth.
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The main purpose of a business plan is to aid YOU in running YOUR business. So the workbook has been designed for you to write the information in and refer back to as needed. If you need to supply your Business Plan to another party, such as a bank if you’re looking for finance, then it’s simple to type up the various sections for a professional Molly Elodie Rose When you’re starting up in business a good business plan can help you succeed. It acts as a route map to follow, showing you where you are now and where you want to be in the future, and helping you navigate your way there. It’s a vital tool when discussing your business with your bank manager or potential investors This is part of an institution’s one-year business plan for the establishment of a new branch by the beginning of the next calendar year, something it decided to do in January of the current year. The plan groups strategic objectives according to subject. Objective: To open a new branch by the beginning of the next calendar blogger.comg: bank
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