Download sample MLA research paper. Sample MLA Research Paper On Literature. Instructions: The student will write a 6 - 10 page research paper that demonstrates the ability to do the following: 1. integrate research with ideas and evaluation 2. base the paper on adequate library material and write it in non-technical language Comment [1]: MLA style does not require a title page or outline, but some professors require one or both. An outline sample is at the end of this paper. If required, format a title page according to the instructions you teacher has given. Note each page will have your last name followed by a space and page number, blogger.com Size: 67KB MLA DOCUMENTATION FORM33 Sample MLA Research Paper The research paper on the following pages is an example of how a paper is put together following MLA blogger.com title page and outline are not required for MLA papers, but if your instructor asks for one or both, use the models and guidelines that follow. Sample Title Page Center the title one-thirdFile Size: 83KB
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