· Precis Writing Solved Exercises for Class 9,10, Class 12 and Graduation Classes, Competitive Exams. 10 Rules of Precis Writing in English, Precis Writing Tips for Students. 1. Solved Exercise for Precis writing “Nelson Severely Wounded” Download Solved Précis Writing Examples - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. Learn What is Precis Writing? Precis Writing is a summary. It is an exercise of compression. A precis writing is a gist of any passage in as few words as possible. A precis should mention all important details of the original paragraph so that anyone who is reading it is able Precis Examples. The following are some worked out examples of Precis Writing. Notice, how precis has been done. Speech is a great blessing, but it can also be a great curse, for while it helps us to make our intentions and desires known to our fellows, it can also, if we use it carelessly, make our attitude completely misunderstood
How to Write a Critical Precis: Best Tips + Sample
As Précis Writing is a summary, it is always shorter than the original passage, so we have written Top 10 Precis Writing Samples with answers Words Precis writing examples. A man in the east gave up all worldly concerns and went to a wood, where he built a hut and lived in it.
His only clothing was a piece of cloth that he wore around his waist. But as ill-luck would have it, rats were plentiful in the wood; so he had to keep a cat. The cat requires milk; so he had to keep a cow. The cow required tending, so a cowboy was employed. The boy required a house to live in. So a house was built for him. To look after the house a maid had to be engaged. To provide company for the maid a few more houses had to be made, and people invited to live in them.
In this manner, a little township sprang up in the lovely wood, precis writing examples. A man gave precis writing examples all worldly things and went to live in a block of lovely wood. Rats troubled him. So he kept a cat, precis writing examples. To feed the cat he kept a cow. Then came one by one a cowboy, a maid, and her companions. They needed houses to live in. Thus the forest turned into a town.
The noblest deeds that have been done on earth have not been done for gold. It was not for the sake of gold that Lord Jesus came down and died on the cross. The Spartans looked for no reward where they fought and died at Thermopylae.
Socrates the wise asked for no pay from his countrymen but lived poor and barefooted all his days only caring to make them good and noble. And there are heroes even in our own days also who do noble deeds but not for gold. Our discoverers did not go to make themselves rich when they sailed out one after another into the dreary frozen seas: nor did the ladies who went out to drudge in hospital of the East make themselves poor that they might be rich in noble work.
It is not for money that the noblest deeds have been done by great men. Jesus, precis writing examples, Socrates, the Spartans, the explorers, and the nurses in hospitals served mankind purely for the sake of service. Nelson, as a child, was not of a strong body. Yet he gave proof of that resolute heart and nobleness of mind which during the whole of his glorious career so eminently distinguished him. The dinner hour passed; he was absent and could not be found.
The alarm of the family became very great, for they feared that he might precis writing examples been carried off by the gypsies.
At length after a long search, he was discovered sitting composedly by the side of a brook precis writing examples he could not get over. Nelson gave proof of his fearless even in his childhood.
At last, he was found sitting by a brook. What is a Précis? A précis is an intelligent summary of a long passage. Précis Writing aims at testing your understanding of the passage. As Précis Writing is a summary, it is always shorter than the original passage. Précis Writing expresses only the main theme as concisely as possible. In this article, we will learn …. From the moment we are born, we can not live alone; we stand in continual need of assistance of all around us, for body and soul and spirit; we need clothes which other men make; houses, which other men build, precis writing examples, food, which other men produce; we have to get our livelihood by working for others, precis writing examples, while others get their livelihood in return by working for us.
As children we need our parents to be our comforters, and to take care of others: we can not exist a day without our fellowmen; we require teachers to educate us: books and masters to teach our trade; and when we have learned it and settled ourselves in life, we require laws made by other men who died hundreds of years before we were born, to secure to us our rights and properties, to secure to our comforts in our station; and we need friends to comfort us in sorrow and to share our joy.
We cannot live alone in this world. We need the help of a host of people-the farmers for food, the weaver for cloth, the mason for houses; for consolation in sorrow, precis writing examples, teachers for education, lawyers for property, and above all, parents to bring up in our childhood, precis writing examples.
One night a holy man, Abu Ben Adhem by name, suddenly woke up from a deep dream of peace and saw in his moonlit room an angel writing something in a book of gold. He did not feel at all frightened. The Angel wrote and vanished. The next night the angel came again with a great light which awaked Abu Ben Adhem: and he showed Abu the names of precis writing examples who had been blessed by the love of God.
And behold! the name precis writing examples Abu was at-he top of the list, precis writing examples. Title — To love men is the best way to love God. One precis writing examples Abu Ben Adhem was sleeping in his room.
An angel came there and wrote down the names of the lovers of God. We call anything beautiful that gives us pleasure, and that depends as much upon ourselves as upon what is outside us. Perhaps the majority of people find the sea beautiful when it is blue. If someone has lived in Italy as a child and has to live beside the grey northern seas when he is grown up, he will think that the grey seas are ugly: and that nothing can be so beautiful as the blue Mediterranean.
But suppose a Scottsman who loves Scottland has to go and live in Italy, precis writing examples. He might find the blue sea after a little while very uninteresting. Only when he went home and saw the grey sea again would he find the sea beautiful. Nothing is beautiful or ugly in itself, but thinking makes it so. Nothing in this world is beautiful or ugly in itself.
Things appear beautiful or ugly according to the idea of the beauty of ourselves. The same thing may appear different to people brought up in different environments. Generally, speaking the majority of people consider a thing beautiful that gives pleasure. But this depends on our outlook. It aims at testing your precis writing examples of the passage. As it is a summary, it is always shorter than the original passage. It expresses only the main precis writing examples as concisely as possible.
We promise you you will get everything you need to write a good …. Man first appeared on earth half a million years ago. Then he was precis writing examples more than an animal. Even so, early man had certain advantages over the animals.
He had a large brain, he had an upright body with quick-moving hands. He invented a language to communicate with his fellow men. This ability to speak was of supreme value because it allowed men to share ideas and to plan together: speech has enabled ideas to be passed on from generation to generation.
These special advantages put men far ahead of all other living creatures. Since those far-off times, when he first made his appearance, man has achieved a great deal. From his first animal-like existence man developed with the help of a big brain and quick-moving hands and the invention of language and speech, precis writing examples. He achieved much by communicating with others and passing on precis writing examples to posterity. He that can not relieve the poor may instruct the ignorant, and he that can not attend the sick may reclaim the vicious, precis writing examples.
He precis writing examples can give little assistance himself may yet perform the duty of charity by inflaming the ardor of others and recommending the petitions which he can not grant, to those who have more power to bestow.
The widow that shall give her mite to the treasury, and the poor man who shall bring to the thirsty a cup of cold water, shall not lose their reward. Charity, being universal duty, must be practiced by all and everyone can practice it easily according to his capacity.
Apart from money, any help in words or action like nursing, teaching, or reforming the vicious is charity. Failing to do anything personally one may influence others even. Religion is based I think, primarily and mainly on fear. It is partly the terror of the unknown and partly the wish to feel that you have a kind of elder brother who will stand by in all your troubles and disputes.
Fear is the basis of the whole thing-fear of the mysterious, fear of defeat, fear of death. Fear is the parent of cruelty and therefore, it is no wonder if cruelty and religion go hand in hand.
It is precis writing examples fear is precis writing examples the basis of those two things in this world we can now be a little to understand things and to master them with the help of Science, which has forced its ways steps by step against Christian religion: against the churches, and against the opposition of all the old precepts. Science can help us to get over this grave fear in which mankind has lived for so many generations, precis writing examples.
Science can teach us no longer to invent allies in the sky, but rather to look to our own efforts here below to make this world a fit place precis writing examples live in. Fear of the unknown and the wish to get help from other sources in his distress led men to put faith in Religion. Science has made man independent of all this.
With the help of Science man has got over the fears of unseen powers. As a result, Science is thus undermining the awe and fear of Christianity and the power of the churches. Mankind in general is not sufficiently acquainted with the import of the word justice.
It is commonly believed precis writing examples consist only in a performance precis writing examples those duties which precis writing examples laws of society can oblige. This, I allow is sometimes the import precis writing examples this word, and in this sense, precis writing examples, justice is distinguished from equity.
But there is justice still more precis writing examples, and which can be shown to embrace all the virtues united, precis writing examples.
Precis Writing : How to Write a Precis
, time: 16:24Top 10 Quality examples of Précis Writing with Solutions

Download Solved Précis Writing Examples - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. Learn What is Precis Writing? Precis Writing is a summary. It is an exercise of compression. A precis writing is a gist of any passage in as few words as possible. A precis should mention all important details of the original paragraph so that anyone who is reading it is able · In this post, You will know How To Write A Precise with Solved Précis Writing Examples, Rules & Format In blogger.com perfect template for Writing has great significance for the exams of English blogger.com, précis writing is the important portion of ADP, BA, BSc, BS, MA, MSc, CSS, and all · Precis Writing: Precis Writing is a way of summarising a comprehension. A summary is the substance of an entry communicated in a couple of words as could really be expected. An abstract should give all fundamental focuses so anybody perusing it will actually want to comprehend the thought communicated in the first entry
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