The inclusion of students with special needs in the general education classroom has been a major topic of discussion for many years. Inclusion education means that all students are part of the school community, regardless of their strengths and weaknesses (“Sec. Child With a Disability.” n.d.) DISSERTATION ACCESSIBILITY AND INCLUSION IN HIGHER EDUCATION: AN INQUIRY OF FACULTY PERCEPTIONS AND EXPERIENCES Submitted by Jacqueline M. McGinty School of Education In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado Summer Doctoral Committee I would have failed my psychology course if it wasn’t for these guys. Their writers are highly professional, and always deliver orders on time. Thank you so much Phd Dissertation Reports In Inclusive Education team Pro Homework Help! Adam Smith
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Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Emese Beáta Berei. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. Gábor Flóra and Dr. In the welfare era, the principles of acceptance of all and equal opportunities were designated as the main educational goals. In the neoliberal era quality, and in this context, equity became the main normative concepts within the educational system.
In my dissertation I sought phd thesis on inclusive education answer the question how the principle of equity, which includes in its meaning - beyond equal opportunities and inclusion - also the aim to compensate for disadvantages, is put in practice in the world of higher education. Admittance en masse into higher education is a rather new phenomenon in our region, which started only in the last decade of the XXth century.
It occurred at a time when due to different political, economic, social changes the image of higher education changed radically, and when the higher education previously based on a strict selection opened its gates to larger categories of population, thus starting the process of expansion in higher education.
As a result of this opening tendency the population from higher education started to diversify. The integration into higher education of all these special categories of students is simultaneously an educational, social and economic challenge.
The equitable educational system is fair and inclusive, supporting the students to achieve their goals in spite of the formal or informal hindrances which come from the outside and without decreasing the quality of education. One of the dimensions of equity is providing equal chances. This dimension, defined on the basis of social justice, guaranties the same treatment for everybody without any discrimination and it also regards important to compensate the hindrances of the students coming from disadvantaged background, as otherwise the previous differences will remain or will reappear LannertMogyorósiCastelli et al.
The neoliberal ideology considers it natural that competition is associated with inequality, injustice, and individualism, the effects of which create an increasing inequality Méndez-Ramírez The structural approach of educational equity Unterhalter concludes that in a democratic society macro-social equity must be stated in the law, while micro-social equity must be implemented in practical terms at grassroots level.
The equity from above refers to laws, rules which prescribe justice, tolerance and fairness in the relationships among people, but the equity from below is related to multicolor and subjective liberty. The concept of equity is linked to individual diversity, phd thesis on inclusive education, freedom and individualism, according to Unterhalter's model. In contrast, there are views that emphasize the role of elementary communities in order to reduce exclusion, diminish disadvantages and increase educational efficiency.
Pupils learn to socialize in communities, and the norms and values of these communities as the context of educational processes have enormous influence on the individual's performance Pusztai The aim of my research was to study equity in higher education and the opportunities to develop an inclusive higher education environment in the light of student attitudes towards at-risk peers, phd thesis on inclusive education.
The specialized bibliographical background of the dissertation has a multidisciplinary character. The higher education equity has been studied from various perspectives, including sociological, socio- psychological, children and youth care, educational and pedagogical research.
In order to set the stage for my comparative analysis in a cross border context, I tried to integrate the topic into a larger perspective, comparing not only the Hungarian and Romanian situation, but also taking into account European values and educational practices.
In my work I study the question of equity in higher education, the starting point being the legislation which governs the higher educational system in Hungary and in Romania. From educational policy viewpoint it phd thesis on inclusive education the macro-social tendencies, and through the process of comparing the two countries reveals the similarities, differences and deficits, thus providing important information to those who work out the equity policies in the future.
In the last few decades the question has become important also from the point of view of the social norms and phd thesis on inclusive education change of accepting attitudes. The study of student visions puts in the center of attention the problem of developing the inclusive attitudes of students within the higher education system, which influence the situation of at-risk students and it also has a career socialization role, phd thesis on inclusive education. In a recent research, Pusztai and Szabo examined how students think about the compensational practice and what kind of typology can be drawn in relation to student attitudes towards at-risk students.
They analyzed student attitudes towards different forms of supporting their at-risk peers according to three phd thesis on inclusive education having relationship, financial and non-financial support.
The aim was to identify personal and social explanations of the accepting attitudes, phd thesis on inclusive education. The research had shown that student views are not homogenous, phd thesis on inclusive education.
Students think about the different groups having special needs with different levels of readiness to accept. It resulted that being member of a religious community has a significant effect on positive student attitudes towards disadvantaged peers. It had been also revealed that student acceptance is highest towards economically disadvantaged colleagues and the lowest in relation towards Roma students.
These results can become very important in developing institutional policies which can than lead to a mentality change. Through an educational policy case study I had laid next to each other the vision and practice of the two EU countries with common border and shared historical background, phd thesis on inclusive education, in order to find similarities and differences in the legislation which regulates higher education. I proposed to find out how decision-makers define various categories of special students, in what difference-terminology do they think, and what kind of equal chances and compensational practice do they recommend for supporting the special needs students.
Summarizing the characteristics of the legal provisions in Romania and Hungary, it can be concluded that their use of concepts is different, but the disadvantaging factors to which they refer are the same: low income, marginalised living area, disability, cumulated disadvantages background, national minority status and being a foreign student. The Romanian legal system does not define the economically disadvantaged, cumulatively disadvantaged or other categories which require support, only mentions some key concepts and principles in this regard.
The Romanian legislation focuses mostly on assuring the basic human rights and providing fundamental social support, but is missing the aim-group orientated inclusive guiding principle and the long term and consistent mechanism of intervention Berei Analysing the implementation of equity related policies within the Romanian institutions of higher education, Jamil et al, phd thesis on inclusive education. There is no legal provision stating phd thesis on inclusive education groups are underrepresented in higher education and there is no plan for putting compensatory measures into practice.
The Hungarian legislation has undergone a continuous development sincebeing characterized by a clear and well defined conceptual framework, the compensational interventions having phd thesis on inclusive education consistent system of aims. In Hungary, there is a working cooperation mechanism between the educational system and the child-care system when it comes to define the situation of disadvantaged and highly disadvantaged children, while in Romania cooperation between these two sectors appears mainly at the level of principles.
In both countries is missing the monitoring system of students requiring special attention V. GöncziSzemerszki In spite of the differences between the vision and practice of the two countries I concluded that the problems are to a large extent the same, and both in Hungary and Romania the law prescribes financial and non-financial means of support for members of the groups in need.
My analysis had focused on students from Hungary and Romania. I used the Phd thesis on inclusive education 22 statistical program to analyze data. The higher education institutions included in research Phd thesis on inclusive education Higher education institutions HERD IESA University of Oradea 15 Partium Christian University in Oradea 40 Emanuel University in Oradea - RO Babes — Bolyai University 66 Sapientia Hungarian University of - Transylvania University of Debrecen Debrecen Reformed Theological 25 22 HU University College of Nyíregyháza Total number of students For the purposes of current research by at-risk student groups I understand those students who are in one or more of the following situations: economically disadvantaged family background, living with disabilities, being Roma, living in national minority situation or being foreign students.
I also included as a third dimension the willingness to have relationship, as I found that connectional disadvantage is a major problem. I also examined what the students think about the different educational policies, about financial or nonfinancial forms of support and about having relationship with students of special needs. Both types of attitudes are present on the two sides of the border. Students are most supporting towards their economically disadvantaged colleagues and less supporting with their Roma student peers.
In this regard, there is a difference between the opinion of the Hungarian and Romanian students. Having as starting point fundamental social-psychology ideas discussed by Szabófurther I supposed that student preferences have a structure which helps to understand the characteristics of student attitudes. On both data bases I made an attitude- structure analysis and I concluded that in each case there are three attitude-factors: attitudes related to negative drawbacks — towards those living with economic disadvantages or with disabilities; attitudes towards ethnic minority students and attitudes towards foreign students.
The attitudes related to negative drawbacks present the same structure as the Hungarian educational policy, which offers preferential treatment to the candidates with disadvantaged economic background or living with disabilities when entering the higher educational system.
The attitudes towards the Roma students were coupled with the ethnic minority factor or sometimes appeared to be a separate factor. In function of time and space the one or the other attitude is domineering Forray R. and Kozma Based on ColemanI supposed that the students who are more active in charity, civil or church groups, communities and organizations are more supportive with students who require special attention than those who are not so active in such kind of groups.
I studied two dimensions of how they undertake relationship: among group mates and when living together. In the views of the students enrolled in teacher training programs, the attitudes of support and exclusion are present in the same time. The different groups are judged differently and students think about them in different terms of social distance and support. Moreover, in the cross border area the students from Romania are more characterized by inclusive, supporting attitudes compared to the students from Hungary.
The involvement in teacher training programs and the participation in extracurricular — charity, volunteering, civil or church communities - groups also increases the chance that the students will have supporting attitudes towards those group mates who need special attention.
According to the results of my study, the correlation between the attitudes of teacher training students towards disadvantaged group mates and the students future work plans is a positive one. This means that the more supportive students are towards their peers with negative drawbacks or towards those from different ethnic groups, the greater are the chances that they will prefer to work in schools where Roma, special needs or economically disadvantaged pupils are present in high numbers.
These effects are transcending social background differences. References Berei, E. Halmozott hátrányban. Gyermekvédelmi rendszerben élő magyar tanulók a romániai Bihar megyében jogszabályi phd thesis on inclusive education civil háttér. Ferdinec Ed. Határhelyzetek VIII, pp. Budapest: Balassi Intézet Márton Áron Szakkolégiuma.
Bocsi, V. A sajátos nevelési igényű gyermekek integrált nevelése, mint a tanári pálya egy lehetséges kimenete. Szilágyi, Az együttnevelést útjai. Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetem. Castelli, L. Equity in education: a general overview. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences69, Coleman, J. Public and Private High Schools: The impact of Communities.
New York: Basic B. Forray R, K. Social Equality versus Cultural Identity. Government Policies and Roma Education phd thesis on inclusive education East- Central Europe.
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