Thursday, October 7, 2021

Educational background example essay

Educational background example essay

educational background example essay

My Educational Background Of School. Words4 Pages. My educational background began with me attending public school for about three years, then I went to catholic school. Middle school was the best part of my education. In middle school I was given the opportunity to express myself creatively through dance, drama, writing, and with my voice I lived in Cambridge, England from October to January ; I studied at Trinity College, Cambridge University to read Electrical and Information Science at the Department of Engineering. I obtained a BA (Hon.) degree in and MA in Educational History and Background I was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I learned everything I needed to know there. Everything that has to do with life that is. I started my education there and I will continue it where ever I go. My educational background was just as normal and fun like any other kids

My Education Background

Home — Essay Samples — Education — Plans After High School — My Educational Background. Any subject. Any type of essay. On 31st AugustI successfully completed my undergraduate studies in Civil Engineering from University of South Asia Lahore, Pakistan with a CGPA of 2, educational background example essay.

During my undergraduate studies I have been a brilliant student. I had involved in many Curriculum as well as co curriculum activities. I was a good player of football, cricket and tag of war. I have donated my blood many times and I am proud of that and I am ready to donate it again where needed. Lahore is the provincial Headquarter of Punjab province which is the largest province of Pakistan by population, educational background example essay.

I feel myself lucky that I completed my final year thesis project under the supervision of Engr Prof. Under his supervision, I learned a lot of things about Transportation Engineering. The basic purpose of our project was to determine characteristics of drivers and on the bases of those characteristics how can accidents be overcome. Because a driver is not only responsible for the safety of his life and life of passengers but he is also responsible for the safety of other road users, educational background example essay.

In the final thesis project, our group used to visit all roads of Lahore and we used to interview wagon divers and asked different questions. For example their monthly income, education, route permit, police behavior with them etc.

We also visited different government departments. We did survey for almost six months and collected all necessary data. At that moment I decided that I will select transportation engineering for higher studies because transportation engineering has a bright future in Pakistan.

My Personality I am a socially active person. I have many friends and we had formed a society that worked against drug addiction. We used to collect funds and spent those funds on the welfare of society with total honesty.

I left that society because I went for higher studies to Lahore. I approach to people with positive behavior. During my higher studies I met different people from different regions and cultures and traditions. In future it will help me to interact with people of other regions or countries. My motto is to work for the betterment of society as well as my country.

To become a good and expert transportation engineer and designer, it is necessary for me to gain deeper theoretical and practical knowledge about transportation engineering, educational background example essay. During my studies, I will try to come up with the best of everything. I am hopeful that I will achieve my aim and goals during higher studies and become a good transportation engineer and designer. Higher studies will give me chance to polish my abilities. I will try my best to transfer my knowledge to other individual of my society.

So in that way it will help me to become a good human being as well as a useful citizen for my society as well as my country. Importance of Transportation Engineering in Modern World It has educational background example essay a non separable part of human life. As we all know that human life cannot survive without natural resources. But when we see the geography of the earth, it is not the same. In some regions there are mountains.

In some regions the land is plan. So for the transportation of educational background example essay resources we need routes. Without roads we may be able to transport natural resources but the benefit of those resources will be lesser.

The absence of roads may be cause to lack of facilities. For example if a village is located on a mountainous region and the educational background example essay of the village is more, then it is the responsibility of the government to provide them all facilities for example health facilities, educational facilities etc but a government cannot provide all those facilities unless they have constructed good roads.

The availability of roads make sure the smooth transportation of all materials required educational background example essay construction in less time without any danger or harm. By using those roads the locals can transport the local goods to global market and can earn money in lesser price. Good roads and transportation system also reduce transportation time. In this way the economy of the country will rise rapidly. Then the cost of the particular good totally depends upon the distance between them and the mode of transportation and condition of road.

Good roads and transportation system also result in increase in tourism which is one of the important factor of the economy of any country or region. Let me take the example of my region Gilgit Baltistan. There are ten districts in Gilgit Baltistan. The most beautiful district among them is Astore. But tourists refer to visit Hunza district, educational background example essay. The road was constructed by a China Company and it has maintained high quality.

It is very smooth for driving while the condition of other roads is very worst and dangerous. Therefore, few tourists visit educational background example essay other parts of the region. Now days, eighty percent of people are Hunza district are related to tourism. Good roads and transportation system also enhances safety. CPEC is a project between China and Pakistan. According to this project new roads and power projects will be constructed.

The main purpose of CPEC is to construct new roads and form transportation system for the transportation of goods from China and Pakistan to other parts of the World. Therefore, it will create job opportunities for people of Pakistan especially young generation like me. Why I have selected China for higher Studies? Now the question arises why I have selected China for higher studies. The reason is that China is one of the developed countries of the World.

It has a strong educational system which provides quality education. I am a resident of Gilgit city and I have seen the Chinese labors working. I am impressed with the way they perform their work with honestly. My brother is also studying in china. He shares his university life with me. I am impressed with the facilities which are provided by the universities to overseas students. I am hopeful, if I given a chance to get admission in China, it will give me chance to learn about the different cultures and interact with educational background example essay people.

I will bring a positive changing in my educational background example essay and will work for betterment of my society. I will also share my cultures with other people of the world and china. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student.

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Essay about Educational History and Background - Words | Bartleby

educational background example essay

I lived in Cambridge, England from October to January ; I studied at Trinity College, Cambridge University to read Electrical and Information Science at the Department of Engineering. I obtained a BA (Hon.) degree in and MA in Educational History and Background I was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I learned everything I needed to know there. Everything that has to do with life that is. I started my education there and I will continue it where ever I go. My educational background was just as normal and fun like any other kids My Educational Background Of School. Words4 Pages. My educational background began with me attending public school for about three years, then I went to catholic school. Middle school was the best part of my education. In middle school I was given the opportunity to express myself creatively through dance, drama, writing, and with my voice

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